Perennials for Pollinators

I was recently asked for a list of perennials recommended for pollinators. The gardener loved the idea of lower-maintenance perennials that would attract and support pollinators in her garden. I thought it was such a great question that I decided to share my answer as a blog post. Pollinator Partnership has Pollinator Friendly Planting Guides, …

Plant Spotlight: Veronica

Spring has officially arrived! At least according to the calendar. However, I don’t think Mother Nature got the memo because this week, we are dipping well below freezing each night. With the unusually warm winter, many of our fall-planted bulbs are weeks ahead of schedule, and now I’m rushing to protect them from the freezing …

Plant Spotlight: Sedum

For years, I avoided succulents. Despite my fascination with them and affinity for how they look, with their fleshy, water-storing stems and leaves, they stood no chance of surviving in my household. I am loathe to admit that I have killed many a cactus in my day. When it comes to succulents such as cacti, …

The Winter Wait

You know when the kids in the backseat of the car constantly ask, “Are we there yet?” Well, that’s been me the past few weeks while I dream of spring. Don’t get me wrong, I love the changing of the seasons. My Northeastern roots keep me longing for that first snowflake of the season and …

Plant Spotlight: Celosia

As I’m working on my seed inventory and dreaming of the season to come, I love to flip through the seed packets surveying the beautiful photographs and reading the information printed on the packets. I’m looking forward to growing many varieties this season, some new and others annual favorites. One of the groups of flowers …

2024 Gardening Goals

With a new year comes new resolutions! It’s that time of year again when people take a moment to reflect on the past twelve months and decide to make changes. A few years ago, I learned that I need to set goals that make me happy rather than ones that create self-loathing (I’m looking at …