Grateful for Growing

November is a month of reflection. It is a time to stop, take a breath, and think about one simple word: gratitude. The concept of gratitude is universal, regardless of geography, religion, race, or gender. We should all strive for it, and it’s something that I hope everyone can find.  Because if we can find even one small thing in our lives to be thankful for, it will give us hope. And if we give others something to be grateful for, all the better.

It’s Time to Stop, Take a Breath, and Think About One Simple Word: Gratitude

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a sensitive soul. I tend to be an overthinker and carry anxiety like a backpack at times. I often let the weight of the world rest on my shoulders and internalize the problems our world faces. I’m a worrier, and I have uncertainty and uneasiness about the current state of the world and its future outlook. So, honestly, sometimes I struggle with finding gratitude. On days when I read the news and look for any shred of good only to come up empty-handed, it’s challenging to feel grateful. It isn’t easy to feel hope. Yet, I know I am incredibly fortunate and have much to be thankful for. Family, health, nourishment, shelter, stability, and freedom are the bedrock of my gratitude. There is no question that these are what I am most grateful for in my life. Sadly, I know many don’t have these things. And I wish that there was an easy solution to change that.

I’ll Be the First to Admit That I’m a Sensitive Soul

When the negativity weighs me down and I need help feeling gratitude, I often look to gardening. Growing has become an important part of my identity. It’s an essential part, really. I don’t think I could be true to myself if I didn’t have dirt under my nails or didn’t allow myself to do a happy dance when seed catalogs came in the mail. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t gasp when the first daffodil shoots emerged in the spring or if tears didn’t brim at the sight of a handful of beautiful dahlias or fresh homegrown veggies I grew myself. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t marvel at bees and butterflies pollinating a flower or relish the taste of a sun-ripened tomato.  I am me when I get giddy witnessing a planted seed grow, flourish, and flower before my eyes. Or when I scream in frustration at our resident groundhog chewing my tomatoes, only to laugh at the look of indifference on her face. I am so grateful for growing because it has made me, well, me.

I Couldn’t Be True to Myself if I Didn’t Have Dirt Under My Nails
I Do a Happy Dance When Seed Catalogs Come in the Mail
And Gasp When the First Daffodil Shoots Emerge in the Spring
Sometimes I Get Teary When I See a Handful of Beautiful Dahlias
Or Fresh Homegrown Veggies I Grew Myself
And I Marvel at Bees and Butterflies Pollinating Flowers
I Am So Grateful for Growing Because It Has Made Me, Well, Me

I am also grateful for gardening because it is a beautiful distraction when I dwell on the negative. Growing keeps me grounded and in the moment. It gives me hope and purpose. Growing plants allows me to witness the miracle of nature up close. And through growing, I’m able to nourish both my body and my soul.

Through Growing, I’m Able to Nourish Both My Body and My Soul

But, more than all this, gardening allows me to grow myself. Since becoming a gardener, I have learned to be more mindful, to be more purposeful, and to be more present. And through my growing journey, I have met some fantastic people. People who are fearless changemakers. Farmers that WILL make a difference in our world.  And for them, I am also grateful. They are generous with their knowledge and unending support. They have inspired me to take risks, dream big, and never stop learning. Getting to know them and learn from them has been a true gift.

Since Becoming a Gardener, I Have Learned to Be More Mindful, to Be More Purposeful, and to Be More Present

So, yes, I am grateful for so many things in my life. And as time passes, I’m trying to make sure I find gratitude not just in November but year-round. I’m striving to be better at not letting life and all its special little moments pass me by without feeling gratitude towards them. A cup of cocoa on a wintry day under a cozy blanket, a good book, a sunrise or sunset, and a hug or smile are just a tiny fraction of what I want to appreciate. I want to embrace positivity and be more present and mindful of how fortunate I am.

I’m Striving to Not Let Life’s Special Moments Pass Me by Without Feeling Gratitude

For all these reasons and more, I am thankful that I found my passion for growing. Gardening fills my life with hope and gives me more purpose. And when I share what I grow, I can elicit a smile, a cherished memory, or spread kindness in others. And making others happy makes me happy.

I Am Thankful That I Found My Passion for Growing
Sharing What I Grow With Others Makes Me Happy

I hope you can find reasons to be grateful in your life this holiday season. And if you’ve never planted a seed or grown a plant, I encourage you to give it a try. I think you’ll find that you may become grateful for growing, too.

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